Wow, I can't believe it's already been 5 weeks student teaching in this amazing place. I accomplished an amazing feat today - I have planned all my lessons for the rest of the time I'm teaching here. That means I can spend my free time making my lessons better, wasting time, or possibly observing other teachers. Hopefully I can watch some teachers from other subjects teach - that would be interesting. I will ask about that next week. Tomorrow is the Olympics! Well, not technically, but each register class chose a country and tomorrow they are competing in Olympic events. I get to help out with the biathlon. I don't have the most interesting job, but hopefully I can finish early and see some football (soccer) or hockey. I'm excited. And there's always the plus of getting to wear jeans to school.
Well, I spent my night applying for jobs again. Six more applications out there. If you are reading this and can get me a job for the next year (preferably teaching math, but I'm not picky), I'd greatly appreciate it.
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