Today I looked at my planner and realized today was originally supposed to be the day I was coming back from Scotland. Although my car accident was absolutely terrible, I am blessed that things are still working out for me. I was originally going to come to Scotland, be in the classroom for 3 weeks, take a 3 week holiday, and teach again for 5 weeks. With the help of SEMO, I arranged for me to stay at my first placement for a total of 9 weeks (with my recovery time in the middle of that) and my abroad placement for 7 weeks. This still allows me to complete the 16 hours of student teaching my classmates were required to do, I just split it up a little differently. This seven weeks instead of my original plan actually worked out better except for the missing commencement part. I was able to fly over with my parents and travel before starting my placement, and my placement is in one big chunk instead of two smaller chunks. That also cut down on costs of living/traveling over here. So as awful as my accident was, I think everything worked out for the best.
A lot of my close friends and family are also probably wondering about my recovery. My leg is great as you can probably assume by the amount of time I spend walking and climbing. Sometimes my foot hurts, but that seems to be getting better slowly. [Side note: I have no idea why my foot hurts! Maybe it was jammed under a pedal, I don't know.] My arm is doing so much better. The scar is still wicked (as well as my leg scar), but my range of motion is very close to normal. Even if it never gets to the range of my right arm, it's not going to make much (if any) difference in my life. Think about it - when do you ever need to hold your arm completely straight by your side in the real world? Hardly ever. So I'm doing great. I like to think of myself as a little miracle :)
I found out today that I'm going to be a judge for the school's Masterchef competition in a couple weeks! I'm excited (and a little nervous about what they will be cooking). I'm so happy to be placed at a school that welcomes me with these opportunities.
Wasn't today your actual commencement day? If so congratulations on completing your college education! God has indeed kept you here for a reason. I'm sure there are hundreds of future students who will look at you as the reason that they excelled in math or whatever you teach. How is the haggis? If you haven't tried it, you must. Really it is good. See you next month. Uncle Steve